Video showcase

Automatic de-pallettization without prior configuration. EyeT+ Flex is your go-to solution for warehouse picking.

Quick installation, quick switching between products.

Bin-picking system EyeT+ Pick has more than 200 installations worldwide and is the perfect system for high-end bin-picking. 

There are 3 ways of acquiring digital images from actual objects.

In these two and a half minutes you will be given a quick summary of these technologies and their main features and the reasons why we chose to use a double laser line.

Thanks to our bin-picking simulator, Twin Pick, we are able to test the potential of bin-picking and solve the problem of the ideal gripper to use each time. 

Thanks to our partner integrator Danrobotics AS from Denmark for this video showcasing our EyeT+ Pick bin-picking system in action. 

We have several international partner robot integrators working with us everyday, contact us to become one of them. 

Get to know more about our machine vision projects by contacting us and scheduling your personal call with our team
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