IT+Robotics’ mission is to increase flexibility of industrial processes by transferring results of academic research into cutting-edge industrial solutions.
Our R&D department works with qualified research institutes in Italy and aboard in order to develop and upgrade technologies which will be transferred to factories and businesses worldwide.

The team
IT+Robotics was founded in 2005 by a group of professors and researchers working in robotics.
The primary objective of the founders was to transform the results of academic research into reliable and effective solutions for industry and manufacturing.
In recent years, IT+Robotics has grown and established itself as one of the leaders of the machine vision market, with several different business partners spread over 3 continents.

What We Do
IT+Robotics designs, develops and assemble advanced machine vision solutions for robotics and industrial automation.
Specifically, IT+Robotics is focused on machine vision applied to quality control, bin-picking and automated picking and sorting for logistics.
Thanks to EyeT+ Pick for random bin picking, EyeT+ Flex for logitics and EyeT+ Inspect and EyeT+ InBox for quality control, manufacturing companies and system integrators will increase the production efficiency by reducing the margin of error and limiting the need for operator support.