COROMA project will develop a cognitively enhanced robot that can execute multiple tasks for the manufacturing of metal and composite parts.
16 partners from 7 countries are involved in the project. The demonstrator will be set up for 3 industrial use cases: naval, aereospace e nuclear.

IT+Robotics is WP leader of Work Package 2: “Enhanced robot autonomy” and we develop coro-sense module.
The robot has the capability to autonomously move around the workshop while perceiving the manufacturing scene and locating the part by 3D vision.
The robot can autonomously grasp different tools to perform manufacturing operations.
The robot will gain knowledge by learning for mobility, grasping and understanding.
WP2 will produce:
Scene and object recognition
Capability of dexterous grasp multiple tools
Mobility to navigate in semistructured environment

The project is funded by the European Commission in H2020 – Factory of Future (Grant No. 723853).

Project duration: Ottctober 2016 – September 2019

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